As our country transitions to a more complex and politically charged atmosphere it is a refreshing change to see the supposed “spoiled” athletes take an active interest in politics. There are currently former professional athletes that are Mayors, Senators, Governors, and Congressmen, and this trend is on an upswing. George W. Bush was a former owner of the Texas Rangers, and numerous politicians own small parts of teams in all four major sports. America now has a politician that would be able to cross the political line and be an athlete. President Obama has an opportunity to become the first sitting politician that is also an active professional athlete. The Washington Wizards basketball team has the opportunity to make history and also help the economy all in one fell swoop. If they extend an invitation for President Obama to join the team, even in a few preseason games, that would help to boost interest in a struggling franchise and generate tremendous revenue. Sporting goods stores across the country and even the world would be selling out of Obama jerseys at an unprecedented rate, thus boosting the economy and helping to solidify sports and politics as the driving force behind the resurgence of the United States of America .